Aaron Hennessy
Aaron Hennessy
"Amazing team to work with through with my daily stress, depression and anxiety issues. Their therapy and council through out the last 3 years has helped me deal with the daily grind of life, running my high pressure business and everyday problems we all experience. Thank you for being there for me."
Ramona Telecican
Ramona Telecican
"Cannot articulate well enough, how effective and transformative my Neurotherapy journey with Martin and Jessica has been. I felt stuck, frustrated and lost with Anxiety and Depression taking over my everyday life. Martin and Jessica's incredible wealth of knowledge, experience and reassurance made the brain-training experience truly incredible. I am so grateful to them and their wonderful work. Thank you for training my brain to be its best, and beyond! Always looking forward to coming back for more. Cannot recommend them highly enough."
Michele Molloy
Michele Molloy
Chronic Migraine/Daily Headaches
"Martin and Jessica assisted my daughter with chronic migraine and daily headaches. My daughter was facing a lifetime of zombie drugs diagnosed by a neurologist that I could not bring myself to give to her. With their help and care, Amber has made a complete recovery from migraines and seriously owes her life to these two caring people. Thanks to Martin and Jess I have a beautiful, vibrant and happy 19 year old who is living life to the fullest."
Jordan Hardy
Jordan Hardy
Severe Migraine Disorder / TBI
"After a few months working with Jessica and Martin I can honestly say I feel so much better. My migraines disappeared and we were even able to minimize general headaches also. On top of that I feel more grounded and able to deal with my mental health. The science is there, the brain is the key. Jessica and Martin are fantastic, accommodating and realistic about their approach to their profession and the results possible. Thank you both."
Mara Smart
Mara Smart
Major Depression
"I have returned from a state of major depression to my true self. This confronting and challenging journey is enabled by the insightful, knowledgeable and genuine Martin and Jessica. I highly commend them and thank them for taking me on.”
Rosa Gessner
Rosa Gessner
Anger/Depression/Back Pain
"We are so grateful to Martin & Jessica, they have helped our family more than we can describe. They are professional, kind & caring, and can highly recommend them to anyone. Thank you so much!”
Luke Walters
Luke Walters
Post-Concussion Syndrome
"Body Mind and Brain are a very professional and well organised company. Very clean and relaxing place to be. Jessica and Martin are very easy people to get along with and very professional at their job. Im so grateful i found these guys as they have helped me greatly. Highly recommend them.”
Peta Smith
Peta Smith
Chronic Migraine/Anxiety/IBS
"Jessica and Martin changed my life, no more daily headaches, migraines. I have always found them to be very caring and knowledgeable. I would highly recommend them”
Tania Ludlow
Tania Ludlow
Severe Complex PTSD
"Words cannot express how thankful I am to have been referred to Martin & Jessica for complex PTSD. It hasn't been an easy road but neurofeedback worked when no other treatment did. The expertise & knowledge that Martin & Jessica have with neurofeedback is incredible & only matched by their compassion & support.”
Samantha Birch
Samantha Birch
Severe Episodic Migraine/Scatterbrain
“I am a local Gold Coast girl that had her life stripped by migraine and other symptoms. Until I met Martin that is … The sessions were even fun ... I am now migraine free, I don't have restless legs so I can sleep, I don't fall over in public and make a fool of myself anymore … I have one regret and that is that I had to suffer for so long. I wish with all my heart for my children's sake that I found Martin sooner. I missed out on many years of fun with them and I am making up for that every day.“
Cameron Wilson
Cameron Wilson
"I was diagnosed as being an epileptic several years ago after suffering a major seizure … Drugs was the doctors only answer which had turned me into a zombie, unable to function … so we searched for a neurofeedback practitioner and we found Body Mind and Brain … They completely transformed my life. I am now 100% medication free, have total mental clarity, feel fantastic and I haven't had any form of seizure in 6 months … Their support, empathy, professionalism was incredible and ultimately successful. I now have my life back.”
Malinda Boz
Malinda Boz
Bipolar Disorder/Fibromyalgia
"Despite 2 years of psychiatric & naturopathic care, I was still suicidal … I could not work. I could not even change the sheets on my bed! … In April 2013, I discovered Body, Mind & Brain. Martin and Jessica not only saved my life but helped me become better and stronger than ever! … The results are indisputable: It’s been over 2 years since my last neurotherapy session and I am still symptom-free and free of medication. I have also re-established my accounting practice (which I was forced to give up in 2013). My family and I will be forever grateful.”
Michelle Tuminello
Michelle Tuminello
"Martin and Jessica helped me after I had exhausted all avenues. I am so happy that I found them. They are positive, uplifting, honest and helped me in more ways than just headaches, they pulled me through anxiety issues, attitude issues, everyday life issues, I could go on. Now that I have found them, I will never let them go!”

"Where's the Proof that Neurotherapy really works?"

Not everybody wants the world to know that they had “issues” with their “mental health” or “neurological symptoms”. Not even in hindsight.

And still, many of our clients do want to inform others about Neurotherapy at BODY MIND & BRAIN in reviews and videos. See for yourself:

Neurofeedback Training Testimonial Client 1

[1] Amber

This 17 year-old beauty had been suffering three crippling Migraine attacks per week. Plenty of meds, Acupuncture, Naturopath, Physio and Chinese herbs hadn't helped. After seven months of Neurotherapy with us, she is Migraine-free and named her first car "Martin".

Neurofeedback Training Testimonial Client 3

[2] Hazel

... was sent to us by her GP, but was highly skeptical because she had tried absolutely everything to end her 40-year history of Chronic Migraine and constant Headache. Yet, she persisted and succeeded with us. Her testimonial video on Facebook and YouTube says it all.

Neurofeedback Training Testimonial Client 4

[3] Jen

After 20 years of suffering Migraine, IBS, Anxiety and Depression, Jen was at her wit's end and finally came to see us at BODY MIND & BRAIN. In only four months of Neurotherapy her symptoms went down by 86%. You can find her 99sec-testimonial on Facebook and YouTube.

Headache-free Gabi

[4] Gabriella

Gabi's Mum contacted us for help: "She has been suffering with constant headaches for most of this year, has seen paediatricians, had MRI scans done, blood tests but can’t find the cause." — After some Neurotherapy at BODY MIND & BRAIN, Gabriella is now a free of headaches and happy.

Neurofeedback Training Testimonial Client 5

[5] James

... was sent to us by his Psychiatrist because the generously prescribed medication didn’t do much for his Chronic Headaches, Depression, Irritability, Neck Pain and Insomnia. James is now symptom-free and off all drugs. In his words: “I haven’t felt this good for years.”

Neurofeedback Training Testimonial Client 6

[6] Ramona

... found us on the web after trying everything else, including meds, to combat the Anxiety and Depression taking over her life. In less than three months of Neurotherapy with us, her symptom scores went down by 80%. Her Google review of BODY MIND & BRAIN says it all.

Neurofeedback Training Testimonial Client 7

[7] Paul B.

... was not a happy chap when he contacted us. Seven years of Chronic Cluster Headaches (up to three attacks per day!) left him very bitter, doubtful and angry. He's been free of Clusters for more than five years now and thriving. I've been meaning to make a video of him for some time.

Neurofeedback Training Testimonial Client 8

[8] Natsumi

After her older sister had amazing success with us, this ray of sunshine came to see us for her crippling Anxiety, Depression and Mental Fog. Like her sister, she made rapid progress, dissipating her symptoms by 80% in only 16 sessions of Neurotherapy at BODY MIND & BRAIN.

Neurofeedback Training Testimonial Client 9

[9] Drew

... presented with Headaches, Depression, Back Pain and Anger. His GP had put him on various drugs and despite Physio, Chiro and Acupuncture he wasn't getting anywhere. Five weeks into Neurotherapy, his symptoms were already down by 70%; he quit all drugs including cigarettes.

Neurofeedback Training Testimonial Client 10

[10] Samantha

After her last pregnancy five years ago, Sam started having frequent Migraine attacks with violent vomiting, lasting up to four days. GP, Chiro, Physio, Acupuncture, meds and massage didn't stop the Migraine Cycle. She was attack-free after only nine sessions with us.

Neurofeedback Training Testimonial Client 11

[11] Paul D.

Twelve concussions over the years left this old American fella with Chronic Daily Headaches, Memory and Sleep problems as well as Chronic Back and Neck Pain. According to his testimonial video, only ten sessions of Neurotherapy with us had a decisive impact. You can watch it here.

Neurofeedback Training Testimonial Client 12

[12] Elisha

Her Headache and Migraine ordeal started at the age of nine, accompanied by Anxiety, IBS, Vertigo etc. Being a nurse, she had tried every medical profession and treatment in the book — including Botox® — to no avail. She is now pretty much symptom-free and a very busy Mum of two.

Neurofeedback Training Testimonial Client 13

[13] Peta

... had really tried everything including Griffith University Migraine Research Centre to combat her Chronic Migraine, IBS, Anxiety, Fatigue etc. After just 19 Neurotherapy sessions, her symptom-scores went down by 80%. Her unedited testimonial video can be found on YouTube.

Neurofeedback Training Testimonial Client 14

[14] Mariette

... was given our book THE MIGRAINE REVOLUTION by her pharmacist. She read it in one go and came to see us for frequent Migraine attacks, Insomnia and Tinnitus.Six weeks later, she was free of Migraine, free of Tinnitus and slept well. Have a look at her stunning video here.

Neurofeedback Training Testimonial Client 15

[15] Malinda

... had been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and Fibromyalgia. Despite three (!) different Antidepressants plus Lyrica® for pain, Malinda was highly suicidal before she asked us for help. There is little I can add to her story which she told in her Google review of BODY MIND & BRAIN.

Neurofeedback Training Testimonial Client 16

[16] Michelle

... used to take pain killers for her frequent Headaches, but during pregnancy, meds were off the table. After little Eva was born, Michelle sent us this photo and a note: "I wanted to give you a big thank you for getting rid of my headaches and Panadol®-popping during my pregnancy!" Sweet.

Despite all these inspiring success stories, let me reiterate that Neurotherapy is not a miracle cure. In some rare cases, even training the Brain can’t help anymore. One elderly gentleman came to see us for his constant high-intensity Headaches after relying on meds for years, including Opioid pain killers. We tried everything, including passive Neuromodulation, to no effect and he decided to end it. Sometimes it’s simply too late, the damage is done.

"Okay, that's impressive. What's next?"

If you are new to Neurotherapy,
you may wanna know …

Or maybe you can’t wait
to find out …

Gabriella Symptom Chart